Safeguarding and Wellbeing

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Welburn Hall School is committed to ensuring the welfare and safety of all
children in our school. Each pupil’s welfare is of paramount importance to us.

Designated Safeguarding Team:

Designated Safeguarding Lead
Marianne Best - Head Teacher

Deputy Safeguarding Lead
Jenna Kendell - Behaviour and Safeguarding Manager

Safeguarding Lead
Amanda Caton - Deputy Head Teacher

Safeguarding Lead Governor
Alan Payne

Safeguarding Governor (filtering
and monitoring)
Helen Porter

Useful Links


NSPCC | The UK children's charity | NSPCC

Wellbeing Policy

Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy
Available - click here

Counselling Sessions

Welburn Hall now has provision for counselling sessions for students.

There is a simple referral process for the students which can be done by the teachers and parents/carers.  Download the referral form, complete, and e-mail it back to the school.

Referral Form - click here

Introduction to The Wellbeing In Mind Team

Who they are

They are a team of NHS staff working in Welburn Hall School. They offer support to students experiencing difficulties with their emotional and mental wellbeing, including low mood and anxiety. They also help those whose behaviours are causing them problems and work with other services to make sure everyone can access the most appropriate help and support. The wellbeing in mind team is made up of NHS professionals including senior clinicians, higher level therapists and educational mental health practitioners.

What they do

They provide advice, support and training to school staff on wellbeing issues; forming a link between the school and other services supporting your child.
They also provide direct support for young people experiencing mild to moderate mental health difficulties within the school environment.

Why they do it

Transition between schools is a very important time in a child’s life and can have an impact on their mental wellbeing.
Poor emotional and psychological well-being can have a negative impact on many areas of a young person’s life including relationships they form, their academic achievement and their home life. Having the right support available in school helps to make sure problems are picked up at the earliest opportunity and young people receive the right help, more quickly; lessening the impact mental health difficulties can have both now and in the future.
It also helps teachers and other staff to better support children in school and supports a healthy environment where young people are encouraged to consider their emotional wellbeing and that of others.

How to access their help

Young people are able to access help from the team via school. If you are concerned about your child’s mental wellbeing we would encourage you to speak to school. Initially the team will provide advice to school staff however sometimes they may feel direct support is needed. In this instance they will consult with parents/carers and meet with the young person to carry out an assessment.

Self Help

The Wellbeing in Mind Team recommend the Anna Freud Top Tips to Feeling Good as a way to support your child in prioritising their mental wellbeing

Introduction to The Special Schools Nurse

My name is Martha Callaghan and I am the Special School’s Nurse for Ryedale and Scarborough. 

I support school, parents/carers and the pupils with any health needs pupils may have, working closely with other health professionals, social care and the private sector.  I provide Individual Health Care Plans for those with a specific health needs and training for school staff in relation to this.

I attend Educational, Health and Care Plan meetings for pupils with health needs.  I support schools with health promotion and offer pupil/parent drop in sessions so they can come and discuss anything that is concerning them about their health.

General Support
National Autistic Society

North Yorkshire branches provide a range of different monthly activities, an active Facebook group and a monthly newsletter. Working alongside other local services to raise awareness and influence support.  NAS provides support to people diagnosed with autism or on the waiting list for diagnosis for autism. 

Tel: 07818 016431

Unlocking Autism

North YorkUnlocking Autism is a free course for parents and carers of children and young people with communication and interaction needs. Children do not need to have a diagnosis of autism in order for parents to attend.

This is an online course which includes sessions on behaviour, emotional regulation, communication, sensory differences and autism.

To book visit:
You will need to register on the website first, and make sure you put parent in the reason section

Daisy Chain Project

NorthDaisy Chain provides a range of support services to children and adults affected by autism, either with a diagnosis or who are undergoing the diagnostic process, their parents/carers and their siblings. This is a national service open to young people, adults and families of those affected by neurodevelopmental disorders - with and without a diagnosis. We can support via access to a telephone listening service, virtual parent support groups, signposting & referrals, creating bespoke resources etc.

A family referral can be made via telephone support service 0800 031 5445

Additude - Inside the ADHD Mind

Information and advice in relation to ADD and ADHD

Council for Disabled Children

The Council for Disabled Children aims to make a difference to the lives of disabled children and children with special educational needs.

Telephone: 02078 431900

Parent Carer Voice North Yorkshire (Formerly NYPACT)

Parent Carer Voice is the forum for parents and carers of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in North Yorkshire. Parent Carer Voice’s mission is to listen and respond to the voice of family parent carers and carers of children with SEND across North Yorkshireby:-
Coordinating information
Enabling mutual support
Developing and facilitating co-operative and influential partnerships with the aim of improving support to families.
Parent Carer Voice passionately believes in helping families to live their lives in the way they want to live them and it aims to:

Ensure that decisions made by statutory and other partners that impact families with SEND are influenced authentically by the voice of parent carers and their families.
Empower parents and carers to be able to confidently self-represent and make informed choices and decisions about their family when navigating their way through services and support.
Assist with the shaping of services that reflect the real issues and needs of families with SEND through co-production, clear communication and strong partnership relationships.
Promote and facilitate a culture of understanding between parent carers and partners across North Yorkshire.
As well as engaging parents and helping them support each other through a range of workshops, forums and conferences, Parent Carer Voice also influences the development of policies and services delivered by public bodies.  Parent Carer Voice is funded by North Yorkshire County Council and the Department for Education.

Tel:01904 704177


Sibs is a UK charity for siblings who may be finding it hard to cope with a brother or sister who is disabled, has special educational needs or a serious long-term condition. Sibs can give information and advice both over the phone and online.

Telephone: 01535 645453


SENDIASS (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Advice and Support Service) is a confidential and impartial information, advice and support service on issues related to Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND).

It is free, easy to access and confidential. We can help children, parents and young people take part in decisions that affect their lives.

They offer information, advice and support to:

Children and young people (up to 25 years) with SEND
Parents and carers of children with SEND
Practitioners (who might support children, young people or parents to access their service)

North Yorkshire Contact
Tel: 01609 536923
Term time Monday - Friday 9:30-1pm
School holidays Tuesday and Thursday 9:30- 1pm



NatSIP, the National Sensory Impairment Partnership is a partnership or organisations working together to improve outcomes for children and young people with sensory impairment


Sensory Processing Disorder Parent Support Group North East England

This group run a free parent support group based in Newton Aycliffe but have members all over the North East, UK and world.  The group offers support, advice, networking, meetings, education and strategies for children with SPD.
Tel: 07929 227579

National Deaf Children’s Society

The National Deaf Children’s Society is a national charity offering free information and support to deaf children and their families

Telephone: 0808 800 8880

Royal Society for Blind Children

The Royal Society for Blind Children supports blind and partially sighted children and young people, and their families. They offer a range of services including emotional support and practical advice for families, opportunities for children and young people to build confidence and skills through activities, and a specialist further education college.

Tel: 020 3198 0225


The children’s bowel and bladder charity, provides a helpline for families to talk or email an expertly trained childhood continence advisor, information on potty training, bowel problems, daytime bladder problems and bedwetting, education for health professionals and parent and carer workshops.

Free helpline: 0808 169 9949

The Sleep Charity

Their aim is to support families to get a better night’s sleep by offering workshops, clinics and written materials. They use a behavioural approach to sleep and work in partnership with families.

In some areas, services are bought in by local clinical commissioning groups or funded by grants so that families can access one to one support from their trained practitioners. 

Tel: 01302 751416

Additional Organisations Offering Support with Mental Health and Wellbeing
Learning Disabilities Service

The Learning Disabilities Service supports children and young people with a learning disability, and those who support them (parents, school staff, carers etc.), to develop strategies and approaches and understanding of the child’s needs.

This may be in areas such as:
• Behaviour that is a challenge
• Growing up and understanding change (both physical and emotional)
• Socio sexual health
• Sleep
• Dealing with emotions
• Anger
• Developing a pain profile
• Transitions
• Developing communication tools for home including social story based work to help people understand process.

Their aim is to enable children and young people with a learning disability to maximise their potential and have fair and equal access to health care
Scarborough, Whitby and Ryedale children and young people’s health team, learning disability service is based at:

Eastfield Clinic
Westway, Eastfield,
North Yorkshire
YO11 3EG.
Tel: 01723 580940

CAMHS - Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service

CAMHS support young people up to the age of 18. Covers emotional, behavioural and mental health difficulties including; depression, problems with food, self-harm and anxiety.  They are also the service provider which diagnoses ADHD. Referrals are usually made via the young person’s general practitioner although other agencies/parents can call for advice.
CAMHS have centres throughout North Yorkshire:
CAMHS General Enquiries - 0300 0200317
CAMHS Crisis Team - 0800 061 6171

Compass Phoenix

Compass Phoenix is a free, confidential health and wellbeing service for children and young people between the ages of 5-19.
It’s also available for young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) up to the age of 25.
The Compass Phoenix service is for those children and young people who may benefit from receiving early help and prevention of harm work in relation to mild to moderate emotional wellbeing and mental health issues.
The aim of the service is to improve outcomes for children and young people’s mental health by strengthening the range of mental health support available to children and young people.

How you can get support if you’re a child or young person

You can speak to someone from Compass Phoenix by ringing on 01904 661916 or on Freephone number 0800 008 7452.If a young person wants to make a self-referral, they can download the Request for Support form, then email the completed form to

Referrals from parents or carers and Professionals

Referrals are also taken referrals from parents and carers and involved professionals. Download the Request for Support form then email the completed form to is a safe and anonymous online community that children and young people can access for support and resources around emotional wellbeing and mental health. The service allows free access to - optional support from counsellors and qualified emotional wellbeing practitioners, access to support from peers, access to join forums and help to learn coping skills to manage mental health in a safe way. All content is pre moderated and are accredited by the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy.

The online counselling team are available from 12 noon to 10pm Monday - Friday and 6pm to 10pm at weekends, 365 days a year. Providing a much needed
out-of-hours service. Contact 0203 984 9337 or

Recovery College

The Recovery College provides free online educational courses and resources to young people and teachers/professionals covering a range of topics including; mental health, OCD, bereavement, grooming, bullying, sleeping difficulties, self-harm, exam stress, low mood, anxiety etc.


Young Minds

Independent national charity, supporting young people, parents /carers, teachers and professionals on issues around Mental Health.

Contact details for young people: Young Minds Crisis Messenger - free support 24/7 text YM to 85258
Parent/Carer contact - Free helpline 08088025544 (9:30am to 4pm Mon-Fri)


The NSPCC has information on their website offering advice on supporting young people struggling with depression, anxiety, self-harm or suicidal thoughts. Support is also available for On-Line safety including free online safety resources for parents/carers.

Bereavement Support

Winston's Wish & Child bereavement UK are specialists in this and have lots of support/resources and training available

Supporting bereaved children and young people | Child Bereavement UK

Cruse - helpline - 0808 808 1677

Central Healthcare Scarborough - Bereavement Support

Support for Covid related Bereavement


Offers support on topics including bullying, body image, feelings, relationships, home and families and schools, college and work.

Calls are free on 0800 1111

Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families

Supports young people and families on range of topics related to mental health and well-being as well as offering support /resources to professionals working in both Early Years/School/college settings.

Contact:020 7794 2313

The Go-To

The Go-To is a North Yorkshire signposting website that provides information, advice and signposting to services for children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing.
The website provides information for young people, parents and carers and professionals across North Yorkshire.



Contact Us

Welburn Hall
North Yorkshire
YO62 7HQ

Tel: 01751 431218


Welburn Hall is a generic special school / college for children and young people aged 8 to 19 years with a wide range of special educational needs.

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